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Biological Data Analysis and Visualization

BioCodeKb - Bioinformatics Knowledgebase

Biologists are stepping up their efforts in understanding biological processes by using a variety of experimental and bioinformatics methods. This has resulted in a flood of biological and clinical data, which could be overwhelming for researchers to handle without appropriate data processing and analysis tools, especially when there is a lack of training or no knowledge of programming, statistics, and modeling. Therefore, custom data analysis services have become increasingly important in biosciences and can certainly help accelerate the research cycle.

Today we are experiencing a rapid growth in volume and diversity of biological data, presenting an increasing challenge for biologists. A key step in understanding and learning from these data is visualization. Thus, there has been a corresponding increase in the number and diversity of systems for visualizing biological data.

An emerging trend is the blurring of boundaries between the visualization of 3D structures at atomic resolution, visualization of larger complexes by cryo-electron microscopy, and visualization of the location of proteins and complexes within whole cells and tissues.

A second emerging trend is an increase in the availability and importance of time-resolved data from systems biology, electron microscopy and cell and tissue imaging. In contrast, visualization of trajectories has long been a prominent part of molecular dynamics.

Finally, as datasets are increasing in size, complexity, and interconnectness, biological visualization systems are improving in usability, data integration and standardization.

Biology data visualization is a branch of bioinformatics concerned with the application of computer graphics, scientific visualization, and information visualization to different areas of the life sciences. This includes visualization of sequences, genomes, alignments, phylogenies, macromolecular structures, systems biology, microscopy, and magnetic resonance imaging data. Software tools used for visualizing biological data range from simple, standalone programs to complex, integrated systems.

Many software systems are available for visualization biological data. They are enlisted as systems, grouped by application areas.

  • Genomic and assembly data

  • Alignments, phylogeny and evolution

  • Systems biology

  • Molecular graphics

  • Microscopy

  • Magnetic resonance imaging

Tools for analysis and visualization

  • BioVis Explorer

  • Profacgen

The big data includes the analysis of following major characteristics, viz.

  • Scale of Data: Representing the high amount in size

  • Streaming Data: Maintaining the velocity for extraction process

  • Various Data Forms: Variety in form of data included in database can also be easily analyzed

  • Uncertainty of Data: Poor and inaccurate data can be identified

These characteristics are applied on the biological data to provide the information efficiently, accurately and in a faster manner by saving enormous time with big data concepts.

R is the most widely used open-source statistical and programming environment for the analysis and visualization of biological data.

Underscoring the importance of R and RStudio in organizing, computing, and visualizing biological statistics and data, Hartvigsen guides researchers through the processes of entering data into R, working with data in R, and using R to visualize data using histograms, boxplots, barplots, scatterplots, and other common graph types. It covers testing data for normality, defining and identifying outliers, and working with non-normal data.

BioinfoLytics Company

Our company BioinfoLytics is affliated with BioCode and is a project, where we are providing many topics on Genomics, Proteomics, their analysis using many tools in a better and advance way, Sequence Alignment & Analysis, Bioinformatics Scripting & Software Development, Phylogenetic and Phylogenomic Analysis, Functional Analysis, Biological Data Analysis & Visualization, Custom Analysis, Biological Database Analysis, Molecular Docking, Protein Structure Prediction and Molecular Dynamics etc. for the seekers of Biocode to further develop their interest to take part in these services to fulfill their requirements and obtain their desired results. We are providing such a platform where one can find opportunity to learn, research projects analysis and get help and huge knowledge based on molecular, computational and analytical biology.

We are providing “Biological Data Analysis and Visualization” service to the bioinformatics community through our expertise to enable researchers to make meaningful observations and discoveries from a wide array of data from biological, pharmaceutical and clinical domains.


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