Visualization of Genomic Data on the Genome Browser & SARS-CoV-2 Genome
In Bioinformatics, a genome browser is a graphical interface for display of information from a biological database for genomic data. To interactively visualize genomic data, Genome Browser is the program for that, which can use to visualize the entire genome of an organism like SARS-CoV-2 Viral Genome.
First, go to the Genome Browser which you can access here.
Now search ‘SARS-CoV-2' in the search bar.
Select the ‘Assembly’ (Recent one) and Click on the ‘GO’
Note: There’s no need to type anything in ‘Position/Search Term’ box as we want the whole genome
The genome graphical representation will be displayed which can be analyzed and compare with other organisms.
Note: It might take few minutes, as SARS-CoV-2 have been searched highly in research community.
The Red Bar on the right top of the page represents the region being displayed.
Zoom out 100x to see the whole genome (which you can compare).
The entire 29,903 bp have been selected.
Once, the graph shows up, you will be able to see the ‘Scale’ on top of it.
The graph actually represents the ‘GC Content’.
Down below the graph, you can see list of Parameters, through which you can get the kind of data you want to be represented.
First make sure to hide all of the data by clicking on the ‘Hide All’ tab.
In ‘Mapping and Sequencing’, Set the GC Percent ‘Full’, RefSeqAcc ‘Dense’.
In ‘Genes and Gene Prediction’, set NCBI Genes to ‘Full’.
In ‘Variation and Repeats’, set RepeatMasker to ‘Dense’.
Then, click on the ‘Refresh’ and the data will be displayed according to the selected parameters which you can visualize and analyze.
Tracks will be displayed according to the selected parameters.
Accession number of the genes will be available beside them.
GC Percent graph shows the graphical representation of GC content in the genome; higher the bar of the graph, higher the GC content.
RepeatMasker represents the rate of repeating elements in the genome.
Now, if you want to visualize a specific gene instead of the whole genome, simply zoom in 3x to a particular region.
That region will be zoomed in and you can see every gene has its own accession number along with it.
You can click on these accession numbers to access/retrieve the sequence of that specific gene.
In this video, we got to see how we can visualize genomic data on the Genome Browser by using the SARS-CoV-2 Viral Genome as an example.